A developer's desire to find compelling challenges, a gamer's
passion for their handheld, and a neurodivergent's attempt
to overcome the entropy of forum threads and Discord channels
are what gave birth to this database.
The first 181 entries you can find here were hand-picked and added
from two sources: #projects-suggestions channel on Vita Nuova
Discord server and Homebrew Request Thread on gbatemp forum. Shoutout to these two amazing communities.
The content submitted to this site, including images, descriptions, and software names, is user-generated and not owned, endorsed, or licensed by this website. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Users are responsible for ensuring their submissions comply with applicable laws.
I hope that you will find the interface pretty intuitive but
there are a few things I'd like to clarify before you start looking
for your next amazing project.
Feel free to use the search bar on the top of each page when you
already kind-of-know what are you looking for, e.g. "Mario", "PSTV",
"SDL2", "devnoname120", "mari[o0]".
As you might have already guessed from these examples, the search is
performed on all fields of a suggestion including even dependencies
and suggester's name. Yes, Regular Expressions are allowed too,
why not? =)
Currently, there are five filters available: Category, Language,
Status, Feasibility, and Bounty. While the rest is fairly
self-explanatory, let me elaborate a bit on Feasibility.
Feasibility for the game and application ports is set
according to these simple rules:
: all dependencies are available for the Vita and porting,
theoretically, comes down to recompiling and minor fixes.
: some of the dependencies are not available or not fully supported,
but fixing up should be doable without fundamental changes or
rewriting large parts of the app in question.
: critical dependencies are not available, so the project would
require a fairly hard porting of dependencies and/or fundamental
changes to the app.
For other categories, feasibility is a rough estimate of how much
effort the project might take, so don't take it too seriously.
In future, more filters are planned, such as by dependencies and by
game genres. For the time being, please stick to using the search feature
for these purposes. Searching and filtering do work in parallel.
For each port suggestion I tried to fill out all the critical
dependencies. The "pills" with dependencies names are color-coded
in the way similar to Feasibility to give you
better quick overview of what awaits you inside.
dependencies are either already available for VitaSDK, or have
no dependencies of their own and should compile as-is.
For example, SDL2 has great native support.
dependencies are either already ported but only partially
supported, or unavailable for the platform but it should
be relatively simple to replace them with an alternative.
For example, PSPSDK which is similar enough to
the Vita native functions.
dependencies are requiring either labor-intensive porting, or
making fundamental changes in the app to replace them.
By clicking on the header of a suggestion or on the "X Replies" link
in its footer you will get to the "full view" of it. There you can
see the description for the project provided by the suggester and
a comments block.
If you started working on the project or discovered any inaccuracy
in its description, please leave a comment!
Alternatively, contact me using the links in footer so I can update
the status or other fields.
I think, that's it! Have fun!
Got a good idea for a plugin? Know an open-source game that would
be perfect on Vita? This is the place.
Just make sure that your suggestion follows the simple rules below
and head straight to the Submit a suggestion
page. Your entry will appear on the Pending. Eventually, your submission will go through moderation
and if it's valid, you will find it on the main list. If it ends up getting declined, you can see the reason on the Rejected tab.
Before you submit
1. Only suggest porting open source projects or creating original projects.
Games and applications that have no source code available are impossible to port.
2. Keep in mind the Vita hardware limitations.
PlayStation Vita has 365 (+26) MB of RAM available for applications,
112 MB VRAM, and 500 MHz CPU. xray-16 (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) is an example
of what's impossible to run on the Vita.
3. Do use the search feature.
There are more than 180 entries in this database already. If what you
want to suggest is possible, there is a good chance that it's here already.