Tile World · Chip's Challenge
Game Port High Feas.This is a port of Chip's Challenge (ChipsChallenge), aimed at current versions of windows. Currently, most features (including a good amount of advanced features) work. There may be several small bugs in the game logic here and there - I haven't played through the whole thing yet (I'm saving this for last).
- Source Code / Reference Home Page
- Programming language C/C++
- License Unknown
- Status Done
A source port of Chip’s Challenge that uses SDL. There is a successor to Tile World called Tile World 2, but it uses QT, so the first Tile World would most likely work better for the Vita. http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/tworld/
Thanks, I replaced the original GitHub repo (that's built on DirectX) in the entry with Tile World.
million thanks for your work and time. can not wait to see more from you.
My pleasure, I loved this game as a kid!
created topic on gbatemp to find more testers.
Done by koolaidxk1d.